Navigating Postpartum - Sarah's Journey

Navigating Postpartum - Sarah's Journey

We spend so much time preparing for baby, that as new mamas we often forget to prepare ourselves for postpartum! So we asked mamas to share their experiences, ideas, feelings - anything really - about how they navigated their postpartum journeys. We want to normalise what our bodies go through after growing and birthing a baby. Postpartum experiences are rarely talked about, but a baby changes you, your body and your soul! If you love the idea of normalising everything postpartum and wanna share your thoughts, feelings, ideas, wisdom about your postpartum journey please email us here.

My postpartum story started in December when my beautiful little man arrived via induction at the hospital. He has just reached the six-week mark and it has been one amazing, crazy blur!

Here is what I have learnt on my journey so far;

  • When you are packing your hospital bag make sure to prepare for yourself just as much as the baby. Pack nice blankets, PJs, BIG UNDIES, soap, moisturisers etc or whatever it is that will make you feel a little more human and like yourself after giving birth. I cannot stress this enough - you cannot pack too much stuff! 

  • Invest in your recovery. Spend the money helping your body recover from the amazing thing it has just done. I had a relatively straightforward birth but I am so glad I invested in the Witch Hazel and peri bottle from viva la vulva it made my first wee 10 million times less terrifying and I had no issues with my stitches etc healing. An osteopath appointment or something similar is also ideal to make sure you’re helping your body heal like it should- again it has just been through a pretty intense but amazing event! 

  • You will not sleep and nothing anyone will say can prepare you for this. Night 2 and maybe 3 will be an absolute killer when you start to realise the true effects of sleep deprivation. Around this time make sure to share the load with your partner or a support person so you can have turns melting down and caring for the baby. This brings me to my next point; 

  • ACTUALLY, SLEEP WHILE THE BABY IS SLEEPING. No one will judge you if the house isn’t clean, look after yourself and make sleep a priority so you can be the best you for that baby when they’re awake - because it will be a lot. And for those nights when you get no sleep and days when you feel like nothing has gotten done - that’s okay! For those first few weeks especially remember that the baby and you surviving is your new job - everything else will wait.

  • Sleepsacks or zip-up swaddles instead of trying to swaddle your new baby in a blanket. Absolute lifesaver! 

  • Breastfeeding may not be a walk in the park, and that’s okay. On that day 2 and 3 when sleep became a distant memory, my new little mate also started to cluster feed (granted it was his job to get my milk to come in) and in the process destroyed my nipples. Cut to now and after lactation consultant visits, drugs to increase milk supply and a lot of pain in the process I am still using nipple shields and pumping on top of feeding to keep my milk supply up. It has been a mission, but I feel very lucky to be able to feed my baby. As natural as breastfeeding is, it can feel very unnatural at times and it is important not to force it because you feel like you have to if your mental health or relationship with your new baby is at risk. Just get that baby fed however you can. 

  • Talk to others with kids, share stories and find support where you can. 

  • You will get a million people giving you advice, you know yourself and your baby best, take what works for you and leave the rest.  

Thanks for reading, Sarah xx

Photo by: @bybrittanynoonan


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