Postpartum Checklist (Things you may need) - Download
Getting organised for the aftermath can be pretty overwhelming! Where do I start?! What do I actually need? What will I use? Don’t worry - we’ve been there too mama. You may not need as much as you think!
We put together ‘Postpartum checklist’ cheat sheet - that you can download for free - we’ve included things you might need for your fourth trimester (and beyond) so you can be as prepared as you can be. Some of these things may not apply to you and some will, take what works for you and leave what doesn’t! You may not need these things right away. We have included a ‘Postpartum stations’ section - this includes a breastfeeding trolley and a nappy caddy - you may not set these up but they can be super helpful to keep everything in one place. We want your postpartum healing journey to be a good one, no matter what comes your way. Mama, you got this!