Getting your Birth Kit Together Checklist - Download
Getting organised for the marathon of your life aka childbirth can be pretty overwhelming! Where do I start?! What do I actually need? What can I bring to hospital? What will I use? Don’t worry - we’ve been there too mama. We’ll let you in on a little secret - you can take whatever you want, heck if you wanna take your favourite house plant - YOU CAN! But trust us when we say - the lighter you pack, the easier it is.
We put together ‘Getting your birth kit together’ cheat sheet - that you can download for free - we’ve included things you might want to take with you to make sure you go into your fourth trimester (and beyond) as prepared as you can be. Some of these things may not apply to you and some will, take what works for you and leave what doesn’t! We have included a ‘labouring at home first’ section- you are going to want to get the oxytocin flowing as soon as you go into labour so this might help with what to have at home for those initial stages. We want your postpartum healing journey to be a good one, no matter what comes your way. Mama, you got this!
*This download mostly applies to hospital birth, we are currently working on a homebirth checklist. But you may also want similar things on this list for your home birth too.